About us

Who is GivingInsight?

GivingInsight help

years experience in fundraising

David Pettigrew

David Pettigrew

David is the director of GivingInsight and has been a fundraiser for over 25 years. He is passionate about the connection between data and relationship fundraising and how to bring out the best in your fundraising program through combining one with the other

David has been a director of fundraising prior to becoming a consultant at Nourish nfp. As a consultant David is an expert in fundraising strategy and the implementation of fundraising tactics and campaigns. As an early adopter of regular giving in the Australian market his depth of understanding in this field is unsurpassed.

David has used his 25+ years of fundraising experience to develop GivingInsight as a vital part of the fundraisers toolbox designing it to help you raise more donations for your beneficiaries.

As a user of GivingInsight you will benefit from the fundraising insights that David brings to your data review sessions.


Acton - Advanced Cloud Technologies


Technology Partner

Nourish nfp

Consultancy Partner

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